2024 / WePlanet: market-radical, industry-oriented “eco-modernism”: The pseudo-ecos? (Greenwash / Quadrature Capital)

Veröffentlicht am 01.07.2024 von Axel Mayer

WePlanet: market-radical, industry-oriented “eco-modernism”: The pseudo-ecos? (Greenwash)

WePlanet is the “eco-modern” umbrella organization that nuclear and coal companies and right-wing libertarian networks have always longed for. The "eco-modernism" promoted by RePlanet is an industry-controlled PR campaign (everything will be fine, and the industry will solve all problems) that has its origins in corporate, market-radical networks in the USA and which is now being aggressively carried to Europe and Germany. In Germany, "eco-optimism" is spread particularly by nuclear-fossil cliques, by the Springer press, the FAZ, by climate change deniers such as EIKE and right-libertarian networks.
The environmental movement, but also the media, urgently need to deal with new political enforcement strategies and the phenomenon of “corporate” citizen initiatives.

  • Why is the nuclear lobby pushing so hard for the construction of new nuclear power plants?
  • Because environmentally friendly electricity from wind and sun is increasingly cheaper than electricity from new nuclear power plants!

The expensive permanent construction site, the new British Hinkley Point nuclear power plant, will receive a feed-in tariff of 11 cents kWh and an additional guaranteed inflation compensation. That makes a remuneration of around 22 cents in the last funding year. For comparison: electricity from British offshore wind turbines costs 4 to 6 cents & electricity from the Al Shuaiba solar power plant costs around 1.04 cents.
Why should we rely on a dangerous, expensive, high-risk technology like the thorium reactor when we have cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternatives?

Who finances WePlanet and its love for nuclear energy?
"It is worth looking at who actually finances WePlanet – the organisation behind Swedish teenager La Anstoot, who is very publicly asking Greenpeace to get on board the nuclear train via a slick website and multiple media interviews.
Well, according to its EU filing, 94% of WePlanet’s two million euros per year comes from the Quadrature Climate Foundation. This was established by Quadrature Capital which owns $170 million in fossil fuel companies, including a $24 million stake in ConocoPhillips, the multinational oil giant behind the controversial Willow project that will drill in the Arctic.
So why on earth would the fossil fuel lobby be promoting fissile fuel? Perhaps it has something to do with the decades-long nuclear construction times – which is already up to 17 years, according to the Sunak government. Just think of all those carbon-burn dollars that can be generated in the meantime."
Source Text and more Information: https://electricalreview.co.uk/2023/10/10/who-finances-replanet/

More Information: Diversion from urgent climate action / How the European nuclear lobby undermines the EU’s energy future

WePlanet: market-radical, industry-oriented “eco-modernism”: The pseudo-ecos?

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  • 3) Im Zweifel, gerade in Kriegszeiten, ist die -Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte- immer noch eine gute Quelle zur Orientierung.

Axel Mayer Mitwelt Stiftung Oberrhein
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